The Method To Go To Truth

The world where humans live:

– Full of pain, burden, stress and doubts.
– People cannot become Truth, which is the real existence,
and they do not know anything.
– When people die, they just die and disappear.

The existent world of Truth:

– There are no pain, burden, stress, or doubts.
– You can know everything.
– You live forever.

Humans are incomplete because they live in their mind world which is the karma, habits, and body. When you discard this, Truth is within you, and the land of Truth is within you.

Level 1. Throwing away remembered thoughts.
Level 2. Throwing away the images of myself and the images of human relationships.
Level 3. Throwing away my body.
Level 4. Throwing away my body and the universe.
Level 5. Throwing away my body and the universe.
Level 6. Myself disappears and becomes the universe.
Level 7. Eliminating my negative mind, the life lived, and the thoughts.

Eliminating Hwan (genetic from parents and ancestors) and Body(camera).